Friday, January 11, 2008

The Not So Secret-Service

Protecting Bush at all costs, is that not what it all boils down to, essentially? Take, for example, this whole national intelligence estimate (you know, the report that basically said Iran had in fact given up it's nuclear weapons program in '03) whup. To practically everyone else in the media/ on the planet, it all kind of smelled a little on the fishy side (i.e., the fact that Bush had said he was only recently aware of it, etc.); the fact that Bush's language seemingly changed last August, the fact that National Security Advisor Hadley had in his statements implicated a prior knowledge by Bush (yes, Mr. O'Reilly, Hadley denies it now, but the film-clip is the film-clip, me-bucko)..................................Everyone, that is, except for, you guessed it, Bill O'Reilly. He dismissed any and all inference that Mr. Bush's explanations may in fact be contradictory. He also dismissed, summarily, anyone even remotely suspicious of a cover-up here, called them the "Bush lied crowd" or something...............................Wow, huh? And to think that 2-4 million people a night watch and uncritically digest this partisanship/rancor. It's like, OF COURSE BUSH LIED/ knew back in August that circumstances had changed - not 2 days before the report went public, mind you, but, yes, 4 frigging months before it did! I'm telling you, these Bush folks/O'Reilly stooges must think we're total idiots or something - the only explanation I can muster, frankly.

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