Monday, January 28, 2008

Casting a Wider Net, One That Might Even Catch a Neocon or Two

You know something there, Laura Ingraham, I agree with you. We should definitely let the U.S. military recruit in America's high-schools. I don't have a problem with that, whatsoever................................Of course, having said that, though, I also want the military to be able to pedal it's wares at all of the major prep and private schools as well. This, I'm saying, in that, think about it, Laura. If the military has such an incredible amount to offer the youth of America, shouldn't the off-spring of this great country's wealthiest (those who attend Choate, those who attend Hotchkiss, those who attend Andover, etc.) also get a crack at this wondrous experience of patriotism? I mean, seriously, shouldn't they?................................P.S. Seriously, though, I don't want anybody to be forced to do anything. Well, unless of course it's a draft. Then I want everybody under the sun to be forced. EVERYBODY!!

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