Sunday, January 27, 2008

Late-Night with Friedrich Engels

All David Letterman (yes, I'm talking about the talk-show host, folks) cares about, apparently, is his radical far-left agenda. This, according to Bill O'Reilly, I'm saying. Wow, huh? I mean, talk about ludicrous/paranoid. How the hell does he know what Mr. Letterman's current political orientation is? Seriously, other than the fact that he doesn't like Mr. O'Reilly and apparently doesn't think much of the war in Iraq, when was the last time you heard the talk-show host tip his cap on anything? I mean, sure, he's had John Edwards on his show a time or two but so, too, he's had Republican candidates - all of whom he's treated respectfully. But, no, O'Reilly, he turns it into a personal thing and vilifies the guy. What a frigging prince/sweet-heart, huh?

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