Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Another "Surge" Goes Astray

Gee, what a surprise, a Laura Ingraham diatribe that leaves out critical information. Yep, that's right, folks, it seems the reason that those Chicago schools are limiting military recruiters IS BECAUSE THESE MILITARY RECRUITERS have broken the rules/ sought advantages over the other recruiters. FOR EXAMPLE, these military recruiters have muscled their way into the classroom (a violation), taken up valuable classroom time (a violation), failed to provide many students with "opt-out" forms (a violation), and, yes, failed on many occasions to provide even basic advisement as to the risks and benefits of military service (a sleaze-ball maneuver, at the very least). It appears that they've also been showing up to many schools on a daily basis and have sought to establish relationships with the kids (some of them as young as 14-15), a tactic that other recruiters (those from trade-schools, for example) clearly don't have the financial resources to compete with..................................So, no, Laura, it's not that these schools are, as you would lead us to believe, acting out of some sort of hatred for the military. They're just trying to level the playing-field (a fairness thing, in other words). NOW....if we could only get Laura Ingraham to accept such a concept (that, and a couple hundred other little miracles, etc.).

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