Monday, October 13, 2014

The Difference Between Me and the Shawmeister

I hold the people who I vote for TO A HIGHER STANDARD, not a lower one, and I certainly do not spin for them. Yes, I voted for President Obama in 2008 and, yes, I wanted him to succeed (even planning on voting for him again right up until 2011), but when it became patently obvious that the man was utterly substandard, borderline incompetent, and as divisive as any President in recent memory (calling Paul Ryan's budget, "thinly veiled social Darwinism", his derisively delivered "you didn't build that" speech, his campaign hacks attempting to blame Romney for some lady's cancer death, etc.), I had to reassess. I mean, I do have to live with myself, for Christ.


  1. It should be interesting to see how they spin themselves into a tizzy in early Nov. when Obama's policies are soundly rejected.

  2. You and Shaw in some sort of run-off?

  3. No, I won't comment on Shaw Kenawe. She can defend herself.

    Though I hardly think she is an evil person for being more partisan than you are.

    Anyway, in regards to the Ryan budget being "thinly veiled social Darwinism"... I did find that to be an off-base accusation by Obama, considering that this budget significantly increased spending... including social spending.

    I believe that in order to count as some sort of social Darwinism, the budget should have cut instead of increased.

  4. I actually DON'T put Shaw in the same category as wd, Octopus, Tao, Flying Junior, etc. and have ever said that she was an evil person.......Though, yes, BB, I WILL be challenging her in the upcoming Democratic primary.

  5. Rusty said: "It should be interesting to see how they spin themselves into a tizzy in early Nov. when Obama's policies are soundly rejected."

    Look for some extreme people to reject democracy when this happens. and bring up fabricated claims of stolen elections, disenfranchisement, etc.... any excuse other than accept how the people actually voted.

  6. Clinton "got it" in 1994 and ended up with one of the most successful Presidencies of the last hundred years. I don't think that Obama will ever get it.


  7. I know this is going to piss off some of you.....but,Gary Johnson was a guest on Red Eye tonight....this guy was either high or he's an absolute twit....sorry,just sayin...

  8. I didn't vote for Obama in either 2008 or 2012. My reasoning had nothing to do with his intelligence as he certainly is an educated and of above average intelligence. In my view he was naïve, lacking any prior executive experience of any real merit, and would move too rapidly to change the structure and fabric of our federal government. Increasing its size, scope, and reach so as to possibly cause extreme dislocations.

    I suppose, for the President it is unfortunate he inherited a huge mess and a horrific economic situation. His task was made much harder as a result of this. Having said this the reality is his 6 years in office as been rather mediocre to say the least. There is an argument to be made that the degree of republican stonewalling and unwillingness to work in good faith with the President had a negative effect and caused a lot of rancor.

    Unfortunately America is worse for the wear and I will continue to maintain there is responsibility for this that stretches to both parties.

    As for Shaw, dmarks is correct, she is certainly capable of defending herself and holding her own,


  9. Now know to never say anything negative about Boston Chubby....her flying monkey's will come to the rescue....or they will stoop to saying something about Lisa....they really are so damn predictable.


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