Monday, October 13, 2014

On Obama/His Propensity to Advertise His Strategy Ahead of Time to the Enemy (the Fact that He Told the Taliban Precisely When the Surge Would Be Over, Told those ISIS Dirt-Bags that He Wouldn't Use Ground Troops, Etc.)

Precisely why I consider the dude to be a mediocre, at best, Commander in Chief (though, yes, I'd still probably rank him a trifle over Bush in that it was Bush who initially stirred the hornet's nest).


  1. Do you think he had the balls to answer truthfully when Michelle asked him "do these pants make my ass look bigger?"

  2. In hindsight, IMO, Bush would have done better in foreign affairs left to his own devices.
    But for whatever reason, he ignored Rice and Powell and followed the advice (and path)
    of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove & the
    rest of that motley crew.

  3. The more hardline partisans have been claiming that Obama's advertising is part of a grand strategy to fool the enemies of this nation.

    I rather doubt that. I don't think it is any more planned than this.

  4. It has warmed up and is a bit muggy so I am going to surge to the fridge and get me a cold one, or two...

    As to the showing his hand prematurely in the belief it would show good will and be a positive, yeah, pretty much.

    t's just too damn bad we were over there (other than Afghanistan) in the first place.

  5. Do you think he had the balls to answer truthfully when Michelle asked him "do these pants make my ass look bigger?"

    Is this Lisa's place?

  6. Honestly, Les, I give Lisa and Shaw both about a 3, maybe 4.

  7. Oh, my mind is made up (though I'm obviously open to persuasion). I'm opposed to additional military involvement in Iraq. But that's not the topic here. The topic is whether the Commander in Chief, once the dude decides to engage militarily, should tell the enemy when we're withdrawing and what type of force that we're taking off the table. That's just bad leadership, Jerry.


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