Monday, October 13, 2014

Shaw's World

This one is a hum-dinger, folks. According to Shaw (selective perceiver extraordinaire), the President that Chris Matthews (yep, good, old spittn' Chris from MSNBC) "gushed over" wasn't President Obama BUT GEORGE W. BUSH. And her "proof" for this is a spate of incomplete, out of context quotes (probably lifted verbatim from Media Matters) in which it appears (I say, appears, because knowing Matthews half of them were probably sarcastic) as if Matthews is complimenting Bush. It's the oldest fucking trick in the book and as I said to Shaw I could have done the exact same thing regarding O'Reilly (who idiots on the right like Limbaugh and Levin have accused of being too soft on Obama - a la Media Matters with Matthews) and Obama and who in his or her proper mind thinks that Bill O'Reilly has been gushing over Obama.....................................................................................Look, it's a free country and anybody is free to pontificate on whatever but this is a perfect example of why partisan ramrods like Shaw, Limbaugh, Olbermann, Levin, Media Matters, and The Media Research Center really ought not to engage in media criticism and why they should leave that important task instead to those who don't have a fucking axe to grind; i.e., folks such as Howard Kurtz, David Zurawick (who managed to offend both Olbermann and O'Reilly within the span of a week), Marissa Guthrie, etc........................................................................................P.S. And in terms of Chris Matthews, I have closely watched his career for close to 25 years now and, yes, for a significant portion of it, Matthews truly was a moderate, independent, and nonpartisan analyst. But once a) Bush invaded Iraq and b) Obama came on the scene, he has obviously gotten far more shrill and partisan (the dude literally did hundreds of segments on the Plame fiasco) and the fact that there are still apparently folks out there who fail to see this is utterly bizarre. Matthews gushing over George Bush - LOL. 

1 comment:

  1. ... But once a) Bush invaded Iraq and b) Obama came on the scene, he has obviously gotten far more shrill and partisan...

    I guess we can say the same of both perhaps camps perhaps.

    But I do understand the point Shaw, as opposed to "Shawmeister", was making,

    It may not have been the strongest but then again points made on both sides are not always the strongest.

    Mathews is Mathews, at least he made an attempt? :)


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