Thursday, December 21, 2023

On the Fact that Whenever I Attempt to Look Up Something Political On Google, Yahoo, or Other Mainstream Search Engines I Invariably Encounter Nothing but Bullshit Leftist Sources for the First Ten Pages or so; The Atlantic, the BBC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, Business Insider, Reuters, NBC News, CNN, PBS, USA Today, NPR, Newsweek, Politico, the Guardian, Axios, the Huffington Post, etc., etc.

 As far as I can see it's just another not-so-subtle stab at election interference, big tech colluding with the mainstream media and the Democratic establishment...... and while I get it that there are now competing search engines that aren't as partisan, less than 1% of the people are currently using them. Couple this with the importation of millions of third-world immigrants (AKA, future Democratic supporters) and the Dems just might get their wet-dream of never losing another election. Stranger things have happened.  

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