Wednesday, December 20, 2023

On the Fact that if Colorado Can Take Trump Off the Ballot for Saying, "March Peacefully and Patriotically" Then Certainly Texas, Tennessee, Florida, and Other Red States Can Take Biden Off the Ballot for Taking a Ton of Money from the Chinese Communists, Managing 20 Different Shell Companies, Extorting the President of Ukraine, and Racking Up 170 Suspicious Activity Reports from U.S. Banks

 One would think, right?

  P.S. And, no, I'm not suggesting that I agree with any of this shit......from either side. Both men deserve to be on the ballot (providing of course that they secure the nomination from their party) and let the voters pick. HOWEVER, if the Democrats continue to go scorched earth and take Trump's name off of multiple ballots, Republicans might not have an option but to respond in kind and what are we left with as a result? Yep, a shit-show. Welcome to 2024, me-bucks.

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