Saturday, July 22, 2023

On Pelosi's Daughter Just Happening to Be at the Capitol On January 6th with a Camera Filming Some Amateur Documentary that Makes the Old Battleax Out to Be Some Sort of Hero Instead of Her True Persona, that of a Mouth-Breathing Parasitic Sociopath - Quick Addendum

And there were some other irregular things that took place that day, such as - a) testimony that there were paid agitators (among the protestors) who broke down the barricades and waved people forward, b) reports of law enforcement personnel being dressed up as Trump supporters, some of whom were already in the building well before the protestors arrived (from a recent interview with Congressman Clay Higgins), c) police officers not just allowing people into the capitol but waving them in, and d) antifa looking characters smashing windows on the side of the building with Trump supporters yelling, "antifa! antifa!" Again, not any sort of smoking gun but certainly enough for a more in-depth investigation. 

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