Sunday, July 23, 2023

On a 101 Year-Old Former Nazi Concentration Camp Guard Getting Sentenced to 5 Years for Supposed Atrocities 80 YEARS AGO!! - Former Nazi camp guard sentenced to 5 years for Holocaust atrocities | CNN

 I'm going out on a limb here and predict that he'll probably get out a coffin.......Look, I get it, the guy probably did some nasty shit but to prosecute someone with just a few months to live anyway seems a little absurd, no?
 And, besides, it isn't as if our hands in that war were totally clean, either (the area bombing by the Brits which smoked hundreds of thousands of civilians, the gang-raping of German women by Russian irregulars, the U.S. dropping not one atomic bomb on Japanese civilians but two, and Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows open-air death camps which resulted in thousands and thousands of regular German soldiers dying from disease, hunger, and exposure, for example), so give it a rest, I'm asking, OK? 

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