Saturday, February 12, 2022

On the Corporate Media Shits Smearing Governor Youngkin After He Lifted the Mask Requirements In Schools (a Moronic Policy that Should Have Never Been Initiated In the First Place as Children Are at Very Near Zero Risk from Covid, Rarely Spread the Virus, and Need to See People's Faces to Learn) Only to Do a One-Eighty Several Weeks Later as Blue State Governors Started Following Suit (Justifying the Dipsydo Fliperewski by Saying that These Wonderful Democratic Governors Were Following the Science......and that the Science Had Evolved - Exactly How, They Do Not Say)

These media asshats know exactly why these liberal governors have changed their minds and it has nothing to do with science but rather with political science. They're sensing that the public has had more than their fill of government foolishness......and that with the elections coming due this fall, falling on their swords was the only feasible option for the tyrants. Of course since the vast majority of CNN's 357 viewers are low-information, more moot of a point I cannot think of.

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