Saturday, February 12, 2022

On the Biden Regime Spying On Our Social Media Posts to Track "the Proliferation of False or Misleading Narratives Which Sow Discord or Undermine Public Trust In U.S. Government Institutions"

Several obvious points here. a) Most of the misleading information has been coming from politicians, their media lackeys, entrenched bureaucrats like Fauci, and government agencies like the CDC (cloth face-masks stopping viruses, quarantining healthy people, people with natural immunity still needing the experimental biological agent, lockdowns not having negative consequences, the vaccines stopping infection and transmission, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine being dangerous medications, etc., etc.), not the American public! And b) government itself has so undermined public trust in these institutions that maybe priority number one should be to get its own damned house in order before they start persecuting citizens whose only sin was to call out their mountainous pile of horse-pucky. It's a fair request, no?

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