Tuesday, February 22, 2022

On the Concern of Some Researchers that the mRNA Covid Vaccines Could Potentially Harm the Immune System and Make People Much More Vulnerable to Serious Diseases Down the Road - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33113270/

 Yeah, this is what can happen when you introduce a brand new technology without adequate long term safety data and carpet-bomb the entire globe with it. Granted, a lot more research needs to take place before we can make a definitive pronouncement here but being that a) the VAERS system is showing more side effects from these vaccines than all of the previous ones combined (and, yes, up until about 10 minutes ago VAERS was seen as the gold-standard - not anymore apparently) and b) there now exist a significant number of treatment (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, budesonide, monoclonal antibodies, etc.) and preventative measures which could easily allow us to pause this program until more safety data emerges. Not that the cronies in D.C., big pharma, and the legacy media would be sign on to it but I ask you, hasn't that become a nonfactor at this point?

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