Thursday, October 28, 2021

On the Fact that the Politicians In D.C. Have Added $5.87 Trillion to the National Debt (Fast Approaching $30 Trillion) Over the Past Two Years ($3.1 Trillion Plus $2.77 Trillion)............and with a $3.5 Trillion Boondoggle In the Batter's-Box for 2022, Sky's the Limit, I Guess

And the only two ways out of this fiasco remain, a) hyper inflation and b) some form of structured bankruptcy/default, THAT's IT! I mean, I get it that the left thinks that it can be achieved by soaking the rich but being that collective wealth of the country's billionaires is around $4 trillion (barely sufficient to pay for the above-mentioned boondoggle and once it's gone it's gone), do the words, pipe dream, ring a bell?.........................................................................................................................P.S. And, no, jacking up the top marginal tax rate (starting at $400,000 in Biden's plan) isn't exactly a silver-bullet, either, as the statistics over the past 90 years or so actually show an inverse correlation between the top marginal rate and tax payments per capita (a little thing called incentives -

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