Thursday, October 28, 2021

Note to Something Called Sam Seder (In Reference to the Recent Interaction Between CNN Coffee-Boy, Brian Stelter, and Independent Journalist, Bari Weiss)

Dude, when Ms. Weiss claimed that "you aren't 'allowed' to say certain things", she didn't mean literally in that OF COURSE people can speak freely on street-corners, in neighborhood taverns, on small unassuming web-sites, at the top of the Grand Canyon, etc.. Her point was more along the lines of speech being suppressed at the BIGGER institutions; the university system, big media conglomerates, the entertainment industry, big tech and Silicon Valley, and even professional sports......and that people's lives are being crushed simply for wrong-speak on such "controversial" topics as sex differences and meritocracies (prompting other people to self-censor out of fear of being cancelled). I mean, I get it that you advocacy ramrods are good at spinning......but you aren't that good and here's the proof.

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