Monday, December 14, 2020

On the Idea of Having Some Smores-Roasting, Cheetos-Munching, Beer-Guzzling Fellow Who Cares so Little, Has No Skin In the Game, and Is as Uninformed as Possible Being Able to Cast His Vote for President In His Undies and While Kicking Back In His Recliner

I get it that people like Michelle Obama want to make voting "easier" but, I'm sorry, if an individual is unwilling to to sacrifice a bit of his time and make a small effort to vote, they probably shouldn't be voting at all....................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, I make a major distinction between those who are unable to vote (people with health problems, those overseas and/or in the military, etc.) versus those who are simply too lazy (the former group of course having the privilege of vote by mail). For the record.

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