Wednesday, October 14, 2020

On the Fact that it Probably Wasn't the Swiftest Move on Trump's Part to Throw Out Those Pointed Tweets Directed at Sweden in that it Kind of Trapped Him Even More Inside the Lockdown Camp (of Which He's Currently Trying to Escape from)

Yeah, what he probably should have done early on was accept the 15 day lockdown to flatten the curve but then make it abundantly clear that the U.S. is a free country in which people make their own assessment of risk and that even if it wasn't the devastating side effects of locking down the economy indefinitely would more than likely cause more harm than good (granted, this would have necessitated his team performing a little research but that's what he's paying them for, correct?) and, so, no, no more dang lockdowns......but he didn't and now he's back in no-man's land again. Fucking A, huh?

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