Wednesday, October 14, 2020

On the Fact that Dr. Fauci Is a Cornell Medical School Alum and Undoubtedly a Bright Guy......but He's Also Been Trapped Inside the Bowels of the Bureaucratic State for Multiple Decades and Has a Very Specific Area of Expertise (Virology) that Doesn't Include Domestic Policy OR Epidemiology......and so Having the Whole Country Being Operated Largely Under the Whim of this Fellow for Over Six Months Now Is Justifiable......How Exactly?


Especially when we now have not just world-renowned epidemiologists from Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford (Dr.s Kulldorff, Gupta, and Battacharya - lead signators of the Great Barrington Declaration) saying ixnay on the lockdowns but the World Health Organization, too, if you're catching my drift.

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