Tuesday, August 4, 2020

On the Fact that if You Look Back Far Enough You'll Quickly Learn that the Borders of Virtually Every Country On the Planet Have as Their Currency the Blood of Their Citizens (Just Look at the Map of Europe Over the Years - the Tug of War Between Prussia and Austria, for Example) and so to Single Out the Founders of the U.S.A., the People Down Under, and Canada as Uniquely Evil In this Regard Is Fucking Retarded and Needs to Be Challenged

The left constantly insists that white folks are privileged......but how is it a privilege to constantly be held to a higher standard? I mean, sure, white Europeans have done some nasty shit but, so, too, have the Turks, Zulus, Mongols, Cambodians, Berbers, Japanese, Comanches, Chinese, Nigerians, Saudis, etc., etc.. and none of these groups are ever held accountable for their sins, EVER......which leads me to wonder, the real privilege resides where? I'm just askin'.

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