Tuesday, August 4, 2020

On Bismarck Supposedly Warning Kaiser Wilhelm the Second In 1897 that a Great War Was Coming In 20 Years if Nothing Was Done to Stop it and that it Would More than Likely Be Caused by "Some Damned Foolish Thing In the Balkans"

Yeah, that has to be one of the most amazing political prognostications of all time to the point where he even got the Serbian component right. If only the Kaiser had taken it more to heart, huh (the first world war possibly being averted)?.............................................................................................P.S. And, no, I'm not suggesting that Germany was totally to blame here (England's secret war-guarantee with France - a country that they almost went to war with two decades prior and the Czar's idiotic decision to plunge his increasingly unstable nation into the mix were also huge factors), just that a more forward-thinking approach by Wilhelm might have helped keep Germany out of the shit, that's all. 

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