Sunday, June 7, 2020

On Joe Biden Suggesting that When an "Unarmed Man with a Knife" Comes Barrelling Towards a Cop, the Cop Should Shoot Him In the Leg

First of all, an unarmed man with a knife ISN'T AN UNARMED MAN and secondly, every police department, secret service detail, and military unit in the world instructs its officers to aim for center-mass, a) to stop the assailant from charging and b) to lessen the likelihood of that assailant discharging his own damned weapon (you can still fire a gun with a bad leg - HELLO!!). I mean, I get it that Biden isn't functioning on all cylinders these days but we're talking a simple internet search here......and doesn't the guy have handlers to prep him for speeches like this? One would hope, no? 

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