Monday, June 8, 2020

On the Fact that Even Though the U.S. Park Service Has Consistently Said that a) the Protesters at Lafayette Park Were NOT Peaceful and Instead Were Throwing Objects, Defacing Property, and Trying to Take Weapons from the Officers, b) the Method Used to Disperse These Hooligans Wasn't Tear-Gas but Rather Pepper-Spray and Some Smoke-Bombs, and c) it Wasn't President Trump Who Ordered These Strategic Measures but Rather the Commanding Officer, We Still Have These Absolutely Repugnant Bogus Journalists at CNN and MSNBC Attempting to Push this Cartoonish Narrative of Trump the Dictator Unleashing the SWAT-Team On a Bunch of Cub Scouts and Brownies Who Were Only There to Protest the Questionable Killing of Mr. Floyd

Vote for whoever you prefer (per usual the choice appears rather shitty) but, please, if you're getting the bulk of your news from these disgusting cable channels, maybe try and balance it out a bit with some independent voices (most of the mainstream shit coming out of six corporate conglomerates) because, well, they're lying to you......and you don't want that, right?

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