Monday, June 15, 2020

On the Fact that Those Losers Who've Apparently Taken Over a Six-Block Section of Seattle Have a) Put Up Barriers Around the Area, b) Drawn-Up Some Idiotic Ideological Purity Document, c) Instituted a Policy of Racial Segregation, d) Threatened Alleged Thieves with Baseball Bat Beatings, and e) Developed a "Conflict Resolution Advisory Council" Comprised Solely of Black People

Trump should put these bozos on his payroll......'cause I'm telling you here, the more that the left descends into this type of madness with the "grown-ups" in the Democratic party, their lackeys in the media, etc., not condemning this shit, the more that Trump's reelection chances go up. Shit, he might already be payin' 'em! 4-D chess, no?    

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