Monday, June 15, 2020

On the Fact that 18 (Mostly Minority) Individuals Were Slaughtered In a 24-Hour Time-Frame In Chicago Last Week............and What Is the Corporate Press Focusing On, Trump's Tweets and the Fact that Few of Military Bases Are Still Named After Confederate Generals (an "Issue" that They Didn't Give a Flying-Fuck About When Obama Was President)

These are not serious people, these journalists, and if you're continuing to get your news from these shits, please, at least balance it out with a few independent voices (the Intercept,, Zero Hedge, Consortium News, Counter Punch, Real Clear Investigations, H.A. Goodman's work, etc.) to counter the bullshit (the constant peddling of a narrative, the level-10 Trump Derangement Syndrome, etc.). I mean, that's not too much to ask, is it (at a time when we're seemingly losing the Republic, especially)?  

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