Thursday, June 4, 2020

On Clownish Senator, Cory Booker, Proclaiming that Most of the Black Men Killed by Police In 2019 Were Unarmed

He's either a liar or an idiot who's too fucking lazy to do a simple Google search. The fact of the matter of course is that there were only 10 unarmed black people (out of a grand-total of 236) killed by the cops in 2019 and even of those 10 at least half of them were either charging or attacking the officer. Yes, what happened to Mr. Floyd was absolute bullshit and that lunatic cop needs to meet with some swift justice but for demagogues like Booker to try and strong-arm this event (with zero factual basis) to enhance their political standing is repugnant. Hopefully New Jersey votes him out of office next time but being that that's unlikely just keep pounding the clown on his bullshit, I guess, the next best thing. 

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