Thursday, June 4, 2020

In the Fact that These Authoritarian Statists Would Rather See People Die (the Effects of Unemployment, Despair, the Postponement of Medical Treatment, etc.), Children Abused, Spouses Beaten, Businesses Destroyed, Dreams Crushed, Substance-Abuse and Overdoses Skyrocket, etc. than Have to Admit that the Lockdown Was Bullshit, that Their Adoration and Embrace of Bald-Faced Fascism Was Probably Not the Best Way to Proceed, and that Maybe, Just Maybe, Those Protesters Who Simply Wanted to Open Their Fucking Businesses Had a Sage Point to Make

Yes, politicians will occasionally change their minds (flip-flop, as we often call it) but it's almost always in a pandering manner to get elected (George Bush Sr. on abortion, for example) and NOT when you've dug yourself in so deep. These people, yeah, they're probably gonna' die on the hill. My prediction.   

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