Friday, April 24, 2020

This from the World Health Organization

 "Emergency 1CD-10 code of UO7.2 COVID-19, virus NOT IDENTIFIED is assigned to a clinical or epidemiological diagnosis of COVID-19 where lab confirmation is INCONCLUSIVE OR NOT AVAILABLE."......and that "Both UO7.1 and UO7.2 may be used for mortality coding as cause of death" - - This is the third piece of evidence that I've given to you which calls into question the validity of the COVID-19 death-count (the other two being Dr. Birx's statement and that recent release from the National Center for Health Statistics) - all of which were easy to find......and yet we STILL have these statist boot-lickers like Jim Acosta calling ANY skepticism of the government narrative a conspiracy theory. So infuriating.

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