Friday, April 24, 2020

On These Blue-State Governors Now Proclaiming that They Won't Reopen the Economy Until a) Everyone Is Tested and b) the People Who Do Test Positive Can Be Contact Traced (and, Yes, that's Just as Orwellian as it Sounds)

It's pure idiocy. a) Just because an individual tests negative at 8 AM doesn't mean that they'll still be negative at 8 PM (unless of course they live in a plastic bubble)............and so unless you plan on testing folks EVERY FUCKING DAY it probably isn't the wisest, most efficient strategy and b) if you think that people are on edge now, wait until you inform them that big-brother is "tracing" them 24/7 just because they have a virus with a mortality-rate of 0.1% - yikes, huh?

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