Sunday, March 22, 2020

On the Fact that if it Can Definitively Be Proven that Mueller, Weissmann, and the Rest of that Star-Chamber Knew Relatively Early that Trump Did Not Collude with Russia (and that Seems to Be the Case at this Point - )......and that They Used These Proceedings Strictly as a Means to a) Damage Trump, c) Weasel Out Some Sort of Ludicrous Obstruction Charge, and c) Lean On Poor Chowder-Heads Like Stone, Corsi, and Manafort to Try and Pressure Them to Flip On Trump (to Get Them to Lie, In Essence), Then, Yeah, These Buffoons Need to Face Some Legal Consequences of Their Own and, Me, I'd Throw the Book at 'Em

I had a very low regard for government to begin with but, yeah, these past three years have made me even more contemptuous. Hopefully we've bottomed-out with this lawlessness and can avoid becoming a banana-republic (allowing in millions of third-worlders with socialist affectations certainly hasn't helped). We'll see, I guess.

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