Sunday, March 22, 2020

On the Fact that if the Federal Reserve Bank Didn't Exist, Interest Rates Would Have Ultimately Risen According to Market Forces, Folks Would Have Been Incentivized to Save, and There Probably Wouldn't Have Been this Need to Send Out Checks to EVERY DAMNED PERSON IN THE COUNTRY!!

Yeah, the FED has essentially kept us in a perpetual bubble over four Presidencies now and I have to ask you, if just two years of artificially low rates with modest increases in the money supply was sufficient enough to bring about the great recession of 2008, what do you think that a decade of artificially low rates buttressed by a massive increase in the money supply and the fact that we aren't just working on one bubble but multiple bubbles might bring about? Does the word, apocalyptic, sound about right? It does to me.

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