Friday, February 7, 2020

On Some 29 Year-Old Race-Baiting Idiot from the New York Times Going On One of MSNBC's Train-Wreck Programs the Other Night and Comparing the Impeachment Fiasco to "1960s Jim Crow Detroit" - I Shit You Not, Jim Crow Detroit!!

And what did Brian Williams do? Did he push back and tell her that a) it was an incoherent and ludicrous analogy and b) Detroit wasn't a part of the the Jim Crow system because it's, you know, IN MICHIGAN, you moron? No, of course not. He complimented her and stated that a lot of his viewers probably felt similarly (which is conceivable of course in that a lot of MSNBC viewers do wax conspiratorial at times). Crazy shit, huh?

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