Friday, February 7, 2020

On Imbeciles from Yahoo News (I Still Crack-Up When I Type that), the Daily Kos, Salon, etc. Making a Monstrous Deal Over Trump Associate, Erik Prince, Meeting with Folks from the Russian Direct Investment Fund While Simultaneously Pushing Aside the Fact that Two of Mrs. Clinton's Most Bodacious Bundlers (Rich Sullivan and David Jones) Have Had a Much More Intimate Relationship with this Same Company -

It gets worse, too, in that this same Russian Direct Investment Fund also has some ties to a shady firm called Skolkovo, an outfit that the Clintons have enmeshed themselves in for years now and whose subsidiary firms have donated mightily to the Clinton Foundation. And yes, the Clintons were also tight as hell to an investment firm called Renaissance Capital, another crony-assed bunch that has ties not just to Skolkovo but to Putin's Kremlin as well............and which had talked-up Uranium One for years while simultaneously dishing out $145 million to the Clinton Foundation AND $500,000 to Bill Clinton for a 45 minute speech. Oh, and, yeah, Uranium One, it was approved. Big surprise, huh?

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