Tuesday, November 19, 2019

On Actress, Gina Rodriguez, Being Forced to Apologize (More than Once Now, it Seems) for Saying the "N-Word" While Singing a Song that......HAS THE N-WORD IN IT!!!!!

I have an idea. If these mildly-retarded black rappers continue to have such a huge issue with white, Asian, and Hispanic people uttering the n-word (and the word is nigger - let's try being adults for once), they stop putting that word in their trashy little ditties. Either that or stop marketing their foolishness to young idiot white kids who apparently think that being doltish and barbarous is cool these days (something that they obviously won't do because it's a strategy that's made them millions). So, what do you think here, a deal?......Kendrick Lamar?

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