Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Note to Dennis Prager - Topic, "Holocaust Denial"

Fella', you do realize, don't you, that 95% (at least) of the researchers who often get tarred with that label aren't Holocaust deniers but rather sane and sensible Holocaust revisionists who simply question certain aspects of the accepted narrative (guys like Germar Rudolf and Carlo Mattogno); stuff like that magical 6 million statistic (the Red Cross putting forth a much more plausible figure of 300,000), the fact that after we broke the German enigma code we found no mention in their correspondence of gassings, the fact for the Treblinka story (the outdoor cremation of 800,000 people) to be fact-based, it would have necessitated the largest consumption of wood in human history and there is zero evidence for that, etc.? 'Cause if you do, and you're still spewing forth this foolishness, then you aren't any better than those hard leftists who you quite correctly criticize for their dogmatism on issues such as climate change, immigration, etc.. Sorry to be so blunt but you really crossed a line on this one, me-buck..  

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