Monday, September 9, 2019

On the Fact that One of the Major Provisions of New York State's SAFE Act of 2013 Was a Mandatory Registration of All "Assault Weapons" and so Far 44,000 of These Guns Have Been Registered -

Wow, sounds like a major success. The big problem of course is that there are more than a million of these rifles in the state and so 44,000 is only a little more than 4% AFTER 6 YEARS!! 
Couple this with the harsh fact that the cops really don't seem all that interested in enforcing this silly, little law (only 11 arrests so far for failure to register) and, yeah, you really have to ask yourself, a) what's the whole point here and b) do you really think that a gun-buyback program will give you a better compliance rate? Me, I kinda' doubt it.

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