Monday, September 9, 2019

On the Fact that if Islam Ever Assumes Control In the West (and Europe Is Significantly Closer to that than the U.S. Is), the LGBTQ (and Sometimes Y - KIDDING!!) Community Will Be Amongst the First to Feel the Oppressive Nature of this Poisonous Ideology and, so, Yes, this Idiotic Alignment Between the Two Groups Continues to Stump Me (Yes, I Understand that it Has Something to Do with Intersectionality but Being that that Itself Is Irrational, of Little Help it Is)

I suspect that a lot of them will ultimately wake up from this self-imposed insanity (with the others simply accepting what happens as some sort of just punishment) but, yeah, a tad too late it just might be. We'll just have to wait and see, huh?

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