Sunday, July 7, 2019

On U.S. Soccer Player, Megan Rapinoe, Refusing to Sing the National Anthem Before Games

Let me guess here, the bitch (one of the most privileged persons to have ever walked the globe, getting compensated handsomely for playing a child's game while simultaneously living in the most affluent and open society in human history) has a grievance...….How did I know?...…………………………………………………………………..Seriously, these people need to live for a while in Saudi Arabia, South Africa, China, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. and see how that works out for 'em (especially if they're LGBT). I'm pretty certain that they'll be kissing the shore when they return...……………………………………………………………..P.S. And who cares what this narcissistic little whiner sings (if anything) during the national anthem? I mean, she could fucking sing, "Stairway to Heaven", and it would be OK to me. Just don't try and make a God damned news story out of it, that's all (with the angle of course always being to stick it to the President).

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