Sunday, July 7, 2019

On the Fact that if Some Dude Truly Believed that He Was Burt Lancaster and His Sister Had Similarly Strong Ruminations About Being a Coyote, We Would Get These People Help, WOULD WE NOT?!

And yet when it comes to people thinking that they're the opposite gender, not only do we feed into this delusion, we encourage the daylights out of it. A strange world, isn't it?...…………………………………………………………………..P.S. And, no, I don't think that trans folks should be treated harshly or that they should be discriminated against. An adult should be free to do as they wish with their own body. My only point is that a) it isn't normal, b) perhaps we shouldn't be feeding into such delusional thinking, and c) nobody should be using coercive measures to try and convince us that it isn't delusional, THAT'S ALL.

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