Saturday, June 22, 2019

On the Fact that Marylin Monroe Only Made $18,000 (Approximately $150,000 In Today's Money) for Staring In "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"

Contrast that with today where the top stars routinely make between 20 and $30,000,000 per film (Keanu Reeves currently holding the record at $262,000,000 for "the Matrix" - he got a percentage of the box-office sales, I guess) and, yeah, the studio got a hell of a deal, I'd say...…………………………………………………………..P.S. Just to be fair, this was one of Monroe's first starring roles (just two years earlier she was getting coffee for Anne Baxter and Bette Davis in "All About Eve") and so maybe that played a role in the tiny payday but, STILL, it remains mind-blowing to me at least.

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