Friday, June 21, 2019

On the Fact that (According to Peter Wallison's Important Book, "Hidden In Plain Sight") One of the Better Requirements of the Dodd-Frank Act Was to Get Various Governmental Agencies (HUD, FDIC, the Comptroller of the Currency, etc.) to Work-Up a Qualified Residential Mortgage Criteria that Would Greatly Reduce the Risk of Default...……...but Because of Intense Pressure from Special Interests (the Usual Suspects; the Mortgage Industry, Crony Capitalists, Racial Grievance-Mongers, etc.) Democratic and Republican Lawmakers Caved-In and Proceeded with the Same Old Bullshit Policies that Got Us Into Trouble In the First Place (Low Down-Payments, Shitty Credit Records, etc.)

No, this housing bubble isn't as bad as the one in 2008 but that's largely because the easy money is going into the stock-market......but it's still there and when you have multiple bubbles like we currently possess (the stock market, student loans, housing, the debt bomb, unfunded liabilities etc.), yeah, I don't even want to think about the next downturn.  

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