Sunday, November 18, 2018

On Insane California Congressman and Pelosi Knockoff, Eric Swalwell, Recently Proclaiming that a War Between Gun Owners and the U.S. Government Would Be a Quick One Because the Government (Brace Yourself, Please) Has Nukes

And here's the thing, even if you put that idiotic nuclear comment aside (does not this chowderhead realize that a nuclear strike would probably kill him as well?), you still have the fact that this bozo apparently hasn't learned a thing from history; namely, that a guerrilla war (can you say, Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc.?) is almost never a "quick war"......and that to even infer such a thing, you'd have to be an idiot. Of course, being that this clown is literally nothing more than a left-coast elitist whose probably never once thought ANYTHING through to its logical conclusion, surprised, we should not be.

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