Sunday, November 18, 2018

On the Fact that Rutherford B. Hayes, James Buchanan, Millard Fillmore, John Tyler, and John Quincy Adams All Had Supreme Court Nominations Blocked by the Opposition Party In an Election Year (Even Tyler Who Was Only Nominally a Whig) -

Alright, so when the Republicans stonewalled on the Merrick Garland appointment they actually weren't doing anything beyond the pale at all......and so if Obama was all bent out of shape, oh well!...………………………………………………………………..P.S. And just for the record, I was actually in favor of the Garland appointment going forward (at least for a hearing) in that a) I considered him a pretty decent choice (and certainly better than Obama's first two choices) and b) it seemed like a moronic strategy being that Hillary appeared to be the odd-on favorite who would nominate someone far to the left of Garland. Of course it was Trump who chalked up the win and, man, did events ever get interesting.

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