Wednesday, November 21, 2018

On the Fact that In Any Cogent Universe, People Who Carry the Communist Flag (and Who Thereby Pledge Allegiance to an Ideology that Murdered 100,000,000 Innocents), Attempt at Every Turn to Stifle Free-Speech, Violently Attack Peaceful and Lawful Protesters, and Who Make Zero Attempts to Positively Contribute to Society Would Be Perceived as "Bad People" but When Mr. Trump Points this Out All Hell Breaks Loose and the Fellow Is Vilified

How in the hell did we get here? I mean, yes, the guy can be a real jerk at times but have his miscues and indirections created a situation in which ALL critical reasoning has been forfeited (his attempts at peace with North Korea being another example)? 'Cause that's what it seems like to me.

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