Wednesday, November 21, 2018

On the Fact that Even Though Minimum-Wage Laws, Rent-Control Laws, Antitrust Legislation, and Virtually the Entire Regulatory Bureaucracy Are All Enormous Violations of the Contract Clause of the U.S. Constitution, They Continue to Be Implemented, Enforced, and Even Championed by Dirt-Bag Politicians Whose Hubris and Idiocy Apparently Knows No Bounds

And this astonishing loss of liberty is actually seen in some quarters as "progress". Unbelievable, huh?...……………………………………………………………………..P.S. And, yes, it also must be stated that these policies aren't simply unconstitutional but moronic as well (the minimum-wage pricing unskilled labor out of the market, rent-controls leading to a shortage of housing, etc.) and for this reason, too, they must be avoided.

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