Wednesday, November 14, 2018

On the Fact that if Mr. Acosta Had Acted Like He Did at that Last Presidential Press Conference In a Court of Law (or Even at a Governor's Press Conference), the Dude Would Have Been Escorted Out of the Room by Men In Uniforms and Maybe Even Thrown In Jail

Yes, I understand that Trump can be a jerk at times but the harsh reality here is that these reporters aren't real reporters but rather partisan fools who don't ask questions and use their time instead to strictly hurl one accusation after another at a fellow who they obviously detest. If you're asking me here, the clown got off relatively easy and I would strongly suggest to him that instead of seeking some vendetta through this ludicrous law suit of his, he work on improving his craft (which may or may not be feasible due to the man's obviously low IQ but, hey, it's worth a shot)…….To use the time productively, in other words.

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