Tuesday, November 13, 2018

On Alan Bean Hammering On a Tube While On the Moon and the Sound Echoing Out Crystal Clear Even Though the Moon's Surface Is a Vacuum Where Sound Can't Be Detected

The apologists have tried to claim that the sound magically went up Mr. Bean's arm and into his air-tight helmet but this is problematic in that according to a page on NASA's own government web-site (which they ultimately deep-sixed due to embarrassment) the sound could not have been heard in this way. It would have been nice if the media had inquired about this discrepancy but being that they tend to believe pretty much everything that the government throws at them, surprised I'm not...…………………………………………………………………..P.S. And if this isn't enough evidence, on a subsequent Apollo mission another astronaut is seen throwing an object that hits the module and THAT makes a sound, too (and, no, the mikes inside the module had been depressurized and so they were inoperable as well). Yeah, somethin' fishy here...……………………………………………………………."NO SOUND WAS MADE" - their words.

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