Thursday, November 1, 2018

On CNN's Don Lemon Saying that We Need to Stop Demonizing People and In the Very Next Breath Saying that White Men Are the Real Folks to be Petrified of

Monumental hypocrisy aside, the guy is full of shit in that even if you take the Mother Jones statistics on mass shootings at face value (they purposefully left out gang-related mass-shootings in an effort to keep the black numbers lower but let's leave that aside for now), white's are actually underrepresented and blacks overrepresented when it comes to this type of crime. And, yes, the racial disparities are even more extreme when it comes to other types of crime; individual murders, aggravated assault, rape, etc. ( to the point where if Mr. Lemon had any sort of integrity he would have warned us not about white folks but about people with a skin-tone a little closer to his.........….but being that he lacks integrity, he of course only spits out lies, propaganda, etc.. Sad, huh? 

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