Wednesday, October 31, 2018

On MSNBC's Steve Schmidt (One of Their Countless Never-Trump Republicans - Their Version of "Fair and Balanced") Claiming that Mark Levin (a Devout Jew and Hard-Core Zionist) Now Has Blood On His Hands After the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting

I've never been a huge fan of Levin (his sliming of Ron Paul a few years back really infuriated me) but, I'm sorry, for this lowlife parasite, Schmidt, whose only claim to fame is that he once worked for one of the most virulent war-monger in U.S. history (McCain) to try and assert that Levin, a Jewish person who takes his Judaism seriously, is somehow responsible for the murders of eleven fellow Jews is about as disgusting a charge as I've of late and bad even by MSNBC standards (such that they are)………………………………………………………………………………P.S. And, no, the asshole won't get fired because in that revolting little media bubble it isn't a major infraction to slime a conservative and if anything they encourage it...….Just to prepare you here.

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