Saturday, September 8, 2018

On the Fact that Some Propagandist Leftist Stooge Actually Went On MSNBC a Few Nights Ago and Accused Mr. Trump of Politicizing the F.B.I. - I Shit You Not

I just love how these fascistic statists so cavalierly and without so much as a molecule of self-reflection or irony constantly go around accusing others of WHAT THEY THEMSELVES HAVE DONE (the Clintons laundering money to Fusion GPS and Christopher Steel, the F.B.I. using that preposterous piss dossier to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his team, Strzok and Page plotting to derail the Trump campaign and having an "insurance policy" just in case the reality star won, etc.). Of course it didn't become full-throttle Kafkaesque until the true conspiracy theorists in the legacy media (low-brow buffoons like Maddow and Lemon) started running with the bullshit as if it was an actual story! And they're serious, these morons. Frightening, huh?

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